Nicotine txp2d92d69btn J300 Large 520757 graded retouched v1 2022 02 06 ZB



Nicotine is a chemical found in tobacco and can be highly addictive for some - as with drugs and alcohol.

Many find it it incredibly hard to stop smoking however hard they try. The knock-on effects of nicotine addiction on health can be serious - ultimately potentially leading to death through an illness like mouth or lung cancer.

The World Health Organization states that professional support for nicotine addiction can double the chances of quitting the habit so, if that’s you, you’re in the right place.


The Kusnacht Practice is renowned for its absolute, dedicated attention and precision, honesty and transparency in a warm and empathetic environment.

With the pure waters of Switzerland’s Lake Zurich lapping on its nearby shores and enveloped by nature and clean air, the treatment centre offers a holistic, 360 degree, mind, body and energy rebalancing and restoration.

Its state-of-the-art facility combines Swiss standards of excellence, luxury and cutting edge, innovative technology with world-renowned medical expertise, compassion and sensitivity. Each and every client is treated uniquely and privately in their own sumptuous, five-star residence and provided with the highest standards of professionalism, care and discretion.


Nicotine and smoking harms almost every organ in the human body. That’s not surprising actually, when you learn that cigarette smoke contains around 4000 chemicals - yes, 4000. 250 of these substances are known to be harmful to us and 50 of them can cause cancer - so the side effects can be extremely risky to one’s health - and life. Certainly, nicotine can take a powerful hold on humans and smoking is a very hard habit to break - but it can be broken and lives transformed with the right professional help.

Could this be you or a loved one? If so, then please do not lose hope, our experts can guide you to the path of full recovery.


  • Experiencing withdrawal symptoms when attempting to quit evidenced by shaky hands, sweating, irritability, or rapid heart rate
  • The need to smoke after every meal or following long periods of time without smoking
  • Continued smoking despite the occurrence of health problems
  • Needing tobacco products to feel “normal”
  • Turning to tobacco during times of stress


At The Kusnacht Practice we have a great understanding of and empathy with those suffering from nicotine addiction. Our mission is to free you from the shackles of that addiction and restore your mind, body and energy.

The good news here is that many smokers can – and do – successfully become free from nicotine.

But, the powerful cravings that result from its withdrawal can make it problematic to cease smoking without the care and support of counsellors and medical experts. That’s where we come in.

You are a unique individual - and we will treat you as such. Therefore, all of our recovery plans are evidence-based, bespoke and individualised just for you, nobody else.

Make no mistake, your health and future is front and centre of everything we do here at The Kusnacht Practice, where we have built a secure, loving environment, with total discretion. This combination will help foster and stimulate your recovery in luxurious surroundings and restore you to your best self - and free from nicotine.

“My treatment at The Kusnacht Practice was a breath of fresh air - quite literally. I had tried everything before but could never kick the habit. Now I feel like a new man.”

Haris, 54

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